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How to Sleep When Pregnant

How to Sleep When Pregnant

Pregnancy may be demanding, especially as your due date gets closer. You require more sleep than ever before. Finding a pleasant sleeping position, on the other hand, can be difficult, especially if you are concerned about which postures are safe and which should be avoided. Pregnancy may be hard on your body. But, as much as you need sleep during pregnancy, it isn't always easy to come by. It comes with several surprises, one of which is not being able to sleep properly and receive a decent night's rest. Now when you need a good night's sleep more than ever, getting one is sadly more difficult than ever. Sleep is essential for both developing newborns and moms. Sleep loss during pregnancy has been linked to longer, more painful labours, greater caesarean rates, and elevated inflammation levels. Finding a comfortable sleep position with your expanding bulge can be difficult, and not every position works during pregnancy. You have to sleep with comfort and ease as sound sleep keeps the baby healthy. With perfect sleep, you also have to choose a perfect pillow for proper rest.

To deal with nocturnal anxiety, incorporate soothing methods into your routines, such as yoga, writing, and breathing exercises. To unwind in the evenings, consider taking a relaxing bath or practising meditation. Sleepsia offers you the best and most comfortable pillow which gives you proper sleep at the time of pregnancy too.

How does pregnancy affect your sleep?

A variety of natural pregnant symptoms may impact or disrupt your sleep, including:

  • Common symptoms mother faces during pregnancy are vomiting and nausea. This is like the morning sickness that they generally face.
  • As it is generally said to new mothers to drink more water it is obvious they have a frequency of urine.
  • They go through physical aches and pains, such as sore breasts and back pain and sometimes chest pain.
  • Mothers also have to face the movement of the foetus.
  • They have to face cramps in the legs and sometimes severe cramps in the back.
  • Heartburn is also a common factor during pregnancy.
  • Snoring and unusual uterine contractions happen in overall pregnancy.
  • Some mothers face breathing problems during their pregnancy.
  • Syndrome of restless legs
  • Mothers take tension as they are concerned about labour pain and delivery.
  • Sleep disorders, such as sleep-disordered breathing, can exacerbate during pregnancy as well.

Importance of proper sleep during pregnancy

Sleep is when your body reboots and fixes itself. At this period your brain builds memories, making it an ally in your battle against the baby brain. It's how your blood vessels regenerate, which is especially vital now because they're under higher strain from the extra blood flow needed to maintain your kid. Sleep also maintains your immune system intact, which has been lowered to support your pregnancy. And sleep influences how your body reacts to insulin; not receiving enough leads to elevated blood sugar levels, increasing your risk of gestational diabetes.

Sleep deprivation is more than just an inconvenience. According to a new study, women who do not get adequate sleep during pregnancy may be at a higher risk of having pregnancy issues. It's not only that you're tired from working so hard to practically develop a new person in your tummy. The amount and quality of sleep you get might also have an impact on your labour and delivery preparations! Too little sleep, for example, can raise the chance of high blood pressure, and hence the risk of preeclampsia. Similarly, not getting enough sleep might raise your risk of gestational diabetes because it affects blood sugar levels by controlling insulin metabolism.

What else is affected by sleep? It's your immune system! This is crucial because, during pregnancy, your immune system hibernates to protect the baby from damage.

Why does sleep change during pregnancy

Due to the hormonal changes and physical challenges of pregnancy, many expectant mothers have difficulty sleeping and staying asleep. It may be stressful to lay awake wondering how to sleep when pregnant, especially if you're fatigued and know how vital it is to get enough rest. Here's what may be going on with your sleep during pregnancy. You may find yourself sleeping more than normal throughout your first trimester. More blood will be produced and your heart will beat faster as your body works to nourish the growing placenta—the organ that provides nourishment to your baby in the uterus—resulting in increased tiredness on your part. Sleeping problems are more likely in the later stages of pregnancy, when your growing bump and other conditions may prevent you from getting the rest you require.

Sleep disruption during pregnancy

Given all of the changes and conditions that can affect your sleep during pregnancy, it's not uncommon to struggle with how to sleep. Here are some common sleep disruptions you may encounter, particularly in the later months of your pregnancy:

  • A developing baby implies a growing baby bump, which can make it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping posture when pregnant. Moving about during sleep gets more challenging as your tummy grows larger.
  • A lively infant may also wake you up and keep you awake at night.
  • During your pregnancy, you may experience vivid dreams and even nightmares, leading you to sleep badly or wake up. These sorts of nightmares are common during pregnancy and maybe your subconscious's method of dealing with any anxieties or doubts about becoming a parent.
  • Stress and concern over your baby's health, becoming a parent, and general anxiousness may prevent you from obtaining a good night's sleep.
  • An elevated heart rate might also interfere with sleep. Your heart has to work harder during pregnancy to pump more blood to your uterus and the rest of your body.
  • A strong desire to pee might cause frequent waking during the night. If you're wondering how to sleep when pregnant, your bladder could have something to say about it. Because your kidneys are working harder to filter the extra blood output, your body produces more urine during pregnancy. Furthermore, when your uterus expands, it exerts strain on your bladder.
  • Shortness of breath might sometimes make it difficult to breathe at night. For starters, increasing pregnancy hormone levels encourage you to breathe more deeply. Later in your pregnancy, your expanding uterus may exert pressure on your diaphragm, making breathing difficult.
  • Leg pains and backaches can often keep you awake at night, especially later in the pregnancy. The loosening of ligaments induced by a hormone called relaxin is one probable cause of back discomfort; this loosening or "relaxing" helps your body prepare for childbirth. Carrying your baby's increased weight might also contribute to aches and discomfort.

Best Position for sleeping during pregnancy

Sleep on back

Sleeping on your back can be good in your first trimesters but you should avoid sleeping on your back during the second and third trimesters. The whole weight of the increasing uterus and baby is supported by your back, intestines, and vena cava, the major vein that returns blood from your lower body to your heart. Also, there are some other drawbacks to sleeping on your back. It will cause back discomfort, haemorrhoids, digestive difficulties, and poor circulation may be exacerbated by this posture. It may also cause dizziness or lightheadedness. You can order soft and cosy pillows from Sleepsia for sound sleep.

The left side is Ideal

Doctors recommended sleeping on the left side during pregnancy. This prevents your uterus from putting pressure on your liver, which is on your right side. Also, sleeping on your left side improves circulation, allowing more blood to reach your baby, uterus, and kidneys. This huge vein travels parallel to your spine on the right side and transports blood to your heart, which in turn transports blood to your baby. After the first trimester starts sleeping on a U or C pillow that helps your entire body to sleep on the left side.

Because of human physiology, the left side is preferred as it maximises oxygen transmission to your baby and also aids in fluid drainage for yourself, eliminating those swollen ankles. Many mothers find that sleeping on their left side is interrupted while their baby is on their stomachs.

Sleeping on Stomach

Stomach sleeping is OK until 16 to 18 weeks. At that moment, your bump may have grown a little larger, making this posture less and less appealing. It could seem like you're sleeping atop a watermelon. Aside from comfort, there isn't much to be concerned about if you end up on your stomach. Your baby is protected from being squashed by the uterine walls and amniotic fluid. Consider getting a stomach sleeping pillow to make this position more comfortable. Some are inflatable, while others resemble a solid cushion with a wide cutout for your belly.

Things to avoid while sleeping

You'll want to know what not to do when you learn how to sleep while pregnant. We have added a few don'ts that may assist you in getting a decent night's sleep while pregnant:-

  • Before going to bed, avoid caffeinated foods such as chocolate and caffeinated liquids such as soft drinks, coffee, and tea. Caffeine usage should be limited to the mornings and early afternoons.
  • It is best not to drink too many fluids before going to bed, since this might lead to numerous trips to the bathroom throughout the night. However, drink lots of fluids throughout the day for the sake of your and your baby's health.
  • You will not be required to eat three hours before bedtime, which may aid in the prevention of evening heartburn.
  • Over-the-counter sleep aids, including herbal medicines, are typically not suggested for pregnant women.
  • Do not eat heavy dinners before bedtime, instead eat light meals at night.
  • Exercises and yoga are fruitful in the morning, do not exercise before going to bed.

Tips for better sleep

If you are not used to lying on your side or have you always slept on your side but can't seem to get any sleep now that you are expecting? Here are some tips to help pregnant women in overcoming the sleep issues faced during pregnancy-

  • Make extensive use of cushions. Try crossing one leg over the other with one cushion between them and another behind your back or any other arrangement that works for you.
  • Purchase a unique cushion. Use a wedge-shaped cushion or a 5-foot full body pregnant pillow for added support.
  • Support yourself. If pillows aren't working, try sleeping in a semi-upright position in a chair instead of your bed.
  • It's normal to feel uncomfortable, and get mood swings for pregnant moms, so don't take too much stress for these things as stress will impact your baby.
  • After 20 weeks, doctors recommend sleeping on your left side solely to ensure proper blood flow to the foetus as well as your uterus and kidneys.


While pregnancy is generally a joyful and unique time, it may also be stressful. Pregnant women may lay awake at night worrying about childbirth, the baby's health, money, or a variety of other issues. They could also have nightmares and intense dreams, which are normal throughout pregnancy. Doctors recommend sleeping on your side, either right or left, to ensure maximum blood flow for you and the baby. You might also try utilizing cushion props to get into the most comfortable posture for you.

You may enrol in a new-parent class to help you prepare for the changes ahead. It may also be good to seek professional assistance from a registered counsellor or a support group. Many women are feeling the same way, and getting outside help can make a significant difference.

Get as much sleep as you can before your kid is due. Also, if you have any additional queries regarding which posture is best, contact your doctor. Sleepsia works hard to ensure that all of our products are comfortable, breathable, and made to accommodate each individual's sleeping position to help you feel your best. Pillows are the most important component in achieving restful sleep.

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