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How to Sleep Through the Night without Waking Up

How to Sleep Through the Night without Waking Up

Do you sleep peacefully and uninterrupted at night? Or do you sleep in bouts in between your wakefulness?

The answer to this question is different from person to person. The prevalence of people waking up at night will be more in adults than in any other age group. And we already know the reason- STRESS! Sometimes our work is not giving us stress but we start panicking over something that can go wrong and we end up stressing over it. A person who has been busy working the entire day and also does not miss out on his physical activities will go back home and sleep until the alarm goes off the next morning. But it is not the case with people who work under stress.

Sometimes the case is you fall asleep fast but are struggling to stay asleep. Not only do old people feel this change but young adults with medical problems or anxiety issues are going through the same phase.

Why is it important to sleep without getting disturbed?

Sleep is important for both the body and mind. Sleep boosts your immune system and makes you better at fighting infections. It improves the condition of your heart because lack of sleep triggers the release of stress hormone that exerts stress on the heart first. Sleeping on time cuts your late-night snacking which prevents the release of certain hormones, thus keeping you healthy. Not just physical health, but it improves your mental health too. If you sleep well, you wake up feeling refreshed the next morning, your energy is up and you are ready to take on all challenges. You become more productive. Now compare the situation where you are working late at night to complete the deadlines and compromising your sleep, you might earn dollars at the expense of your sleep. What should be the total sleep time? It is 7-8 hrs but you must sleep uninterruptedly for at least 6-7 hrs.

What is interrupted sleep?

Interrupted sleep is fragmented sleep when a person cannot sleep continuously due to any reason. Interrupted sleep often leads to various sleep disorders like insomnia, daytime sleepiness, and other potential consequences as a result of interrupted sleep. Sleep disturbances have also been linked to neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and age-related cognitive decline.

Our body and mind are at work continuously even if we are just sitting and not doing any physical activity because our mind is still at work. So it is important to let your mind at rest. But will you like your tea break to be interrupted by your manager’s call? So is the case with sleep

What causes interrupted sleep at night?

There are multiple factors for interrupted sleep but stress remains the leading cause of the problem.

  1. Stress: Stress impairs sleep patterns fragmenting your sleep. Stress can be caused either by personal or professional life. You have a meeting the next day or you have a train to catch early in the morning, at first you will not be able to sleep as a result of anxiety. And if somehow you sleep, you will keep on waking up thinking you are late for the next day, you missed your train. Worrying makes it harder to go back to sleep.
  2. Age: Old people experience a nocturnal change in their sleeping patterns and they become light sleepers. And wake up even at a little voice.
  3. Sleep disorders: Disorders like Sleep apnea or Restless leg syndrome disrupts the sleep of a person.
  4. Other medical conditions: Other than sleep disorders, a person might experience pain due to toothache, kidney stone, menstruation, or cardiovascular issues.
  5. Other medical causes: Sometimes prescribed drugs can interfere with your sleep or frequent urination disrupts it.
  6. Surroundings: And if it’s not you, it’s the surroundings that aren’t letting you sleep. Loudspeakers, some event going on nearby or the house lighting at night might not let you sleep. Caffeine intake, using electronic devices, or a partner’s snoring might also interfere with your sleep.
  7. Circadian Rhythm: When a person’s exposure to daylight is changed like in jet lag or during night shifts, the sleep cycle is disturbed.

What are the symptoms of Interrupted Sleep?

Although more research is required to fully comprehend the nuanced nature of the connection between disturbed sleep and cancer risk, disturbed sleep may also be linked to an increased chance of developing the disease.

How can you prevent interruptions while asleep?

It is important to rule out the cause of interruptions before following any treatment. While all the conditions are not under control, steps can be taken to prevent such situations.

Long and short term Solutions to sleep through Night:

  • Sleep Hygiene: It includes your sleeping habits and routines that you must follow. It will address both the problems of falling asleep and staying asleep.
  1. It is very important to set your sleep routine and sleep at the same time and wake up on time.
  2. Your mattress and pillow must be of good quality and comfortable to ensure good sleep.
  3. Follow a steady routine before going to bed either reading a book or just relaxing.
  4. Do not use any electronic device.
  5. Drink chamomile or any refreshing tea before going to bed.
  6. Use black-out curtains or a sleep mask to block any light.
  7. To block out the noise, use earplugs.
  • Eating habits before sleep: Avoid caffeine intake before going to bed as it will energize you, preventing you from sleeping. One must not eat late at night or else one might experience heartburn and will not be able to sleep properly.
  • Avoid taking naps late in the day: Afternoon naps don’t let you sleep at night time.
  • Exercise daily: Physical activity is meant to increase the deep sleep phase, and improves your sleep cycle and also your mental health.
  • Clean Clothes and sheets: Make sure you change your clothes before going to bed as the ones you were wearing in the morning or at work won’t be as relaxing and comfortable as your night dress. The bed sheets and the one you are taking must be clean and washed.
  • Do not drink water before going to bed: Drink less water before going to bed or you might wake up with the urge to urinate late at night.
  • Bath: Take a warm water bath using some salts before going to bed, it might help you sleep properly.
  • Audiobooks: It is good to sleep over some good audiobooks that can help you relax.
  • Medical conditions: Certain sleeping disorders like sleep apnea must be treated on time. If a woman experiences dysmenorrhea, she should use heat pads, and chamomile tea and cover herself properly to keep warm. In the case of kidney stones, prescribed medicine must be taken on time. Avoid taking any sleep medications as they may affect you adversely.

What happens if uninterrupted sleep is not treated?

Repeated nighttime awakenings have also been linked to mental health issues like depression. Additionally, these problems were made worse by back-to-back nights of disrupted sleep, indicating that the effect can build up over time. Physical health can suffer as a result of interrupted sleep. Even two nights of disturbed sleep have been shown to increase pain sensitivity in otherwise healthy adults. Higher rates of cardiovascular disease, weight gain, and metabolic issues like type 2 diabetes have been linked to a long-term inability to transition through each stage of sleep and the activation of numerous bodily systems during frequent awakenings. Although more research is required to fully comprehend the nuanced nature of the connection between disturbed sleep and cancer risk, disturbed sleep may also be linked to an increased chance of developing the disease.

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