Sleeping naked is a good thing. Not only it keeps you cooler but it also has some underlying benefits such as faster sleep and better sleep durations.
People who sleep naked don’t know the real value of naked sleep towards their sleep duration. According to National Sleep Foundation, one out of three people sleep naked at night and may be you are one of them.
Sleeping while ditching your clothes can improve your sleep, relieve stress, enhance your skin, and reduce weight and so on.
While there are great number of benefits associated with naked sleep. Here is the list of some of the foremost advantages of naked sleep:-
- Increase sperm count in male
Men should probability prefer sleeping naked, not for is healthier aspect but for its beneficial aspect. What can be more soothing than to hear that sleeping naked will enhance the sperm counts? According to a study, men who wore lose clothes reported higher sperm count than those wearing tight pants. Wearing tight clothes at night can cause your testicles to heat up and pulls up the temperature of the scrotum which results weaker sperm quality and count. Sleeping naked draws much air to your private parts, keeping it cooler which in turn enhances healthy sperm.
- Boost skin health
Keeping your body under free flow of air can impact your skin health. Skin is the foremost part which is affected from any outer calamity. The skin protects us and its durability is surely to be tested as we grow up. Taking proximate care of our skin can surely help in better appearance and recovery from outer wear and tear. Proper sleep helps skin cells to regenerate and makes it durable. Congesting your skin with clothes indirectly affects your sleep quality and directly effect the recovery of skin cells.
- Better sleep
The ideal temperature for sleep is about 15.6 to 19.4 degree Celsius. If you don’t live in hilly areas you must have experienced the uneasiness in sleep due to high temperature. Higher temperature results in excess body heat which is not suitable for sleeping. Even if we consider marginally, our clothes can wear off one degree of hotness towards our body and the result can be a soothing sleep. Minimally our clothes block some air which would have cooled us down if came under direct contact with our skin. There is no science but our experience which says that if we drop out some cloth, we feel cooler. Keeping the temperature on an average scale of recommendation can change the sleeping atmosphere to a greater extent.
- Better relationship
You will be astonished to know that according to a survey by Cotton USA, people who sleep nude reported to be happy in their relationship. Skin to skin contact can have better productivity in forming attachments with your partner than what you feel by wearing a cloth. Moreover skin to skin contact has been scientific proved to release more oxytocin which is a also referred to as a love hormone. Sleeping naked with your partner can help in better physical understanding and attachment. A sense of touch and coziness results enhanced bonding between two.
- Reduce stress and anxiety
Sleeping naked can relieve your stress and anxiety.
Sleeping with no clothes can enhance your sleep. This is the reason why many people who are sleep deprived are referred to sleep naked to enhance their sleeping quality. Shifting to this habit can help in getting deep sleep. Proper sleep is a booster for a stress free life.
Don’t you feel relaxed after you get a good sleep? Conclude it that way.
Staying awake late at night can eventually hamper your sleep cycle causing an accumulation of stress which is carried on to the subsequent day and often results in mood swings and grumpiness in the morning.
- Weight loss
You will be happy to know that naked sleep also has a link with weight loss. Sleep loss results in obesity, unnecessary weight gain and crave for junk food. Keeping your body cool at night can indicate the body mechanism to turn heating methods which causes calorie burn. Except this, good sleep is also associated with all the healthy benefits. Sleeping less hours in a day increases the chances of acquiring body fat. Nude sleep reduces body temperature and creates high chances of promoting efficient sleep which can keep your body in shape.
- Body Confidence
When you know your body, you feel confident about it. Sleeping naked can boost your confidence and you get to know your body much better. What happens when you keep dressed during day and night? You are not able to figure out your own body shape. Self body recognition is emphasized by knowing the feel of it. You get to know more about your body when it is exposed. Keeping it under cover all the time keeps you in dilemma. This is the reason why women who are not so confident about their body shape are often get caught in no confidence criticism.
- Healthy sex life
A sense of touch is often needed to secure the bond of love. Physical understanding is the pillar of a healthy relationship. Keeping the touch with the body of your partner is covered by the deep love and better mutual understanding. The urge of sex is stimulated by the skin contact. The chance of having sex is virtually increased when you are in physical touch of your partner. Clothing can cause detachment with less intimation of the body language. Moreover it is less likely to develop a feel of sex when you are clothed.
- Promulgates vaginal health
Keeping your vagina congested can cause inching and infections. While the flow of air prevents your private part from moisture, it also brings freshness into your private parts. What is more important than keeping your private parts healthy, when it is associated with your long term sustainability? Naked sleep can keep the air coming in which prevents the yeast from standing off in your vaginal area preventing vaginal yeast infection. What more? Avoid tight fitted clothes to prevent congestion and let your body breath.
- Enhance your youth
Deep sleep can simulate the secretion of growth hormone. Keeping your sleep cycle regulated can make you appear younger. One of the reasons of looking more aged is unnecessary stress. Keeping your sleep environment healthy can procure better looks than most of the artificial equipments. Sleep is derived from good habits. One of the good habits is to allow you the time to get proper sleep. Naked sleep enhances your sleep cycles and result in a undisturbed sleep which make you look and feel more young and energetic.
- Faster sleep
Our body temperature regulates our circadian rhythm and our body clock regulates our sleep pattern. You feel sleepier in a cozy cool atmosphere than in a hot and humid environment. Keeping the environment cool can bring you faster in your bed and that is the reason we sleep fast and wake up late during winter than in summer. Reducing the temperature by keeping your cloths away can signal the brain the right time to sleep.
- Less chance of developing sleep disease
According to State University of New York, people who sleep less than six hours are more likely to develop sleep disease such as insomnia, sleep apnea, diabetics etc over time. Sleep deprivation can also cause heart attacks and strokes.
Keeping your body naked can gain you a healthy sleep and also prevents unwanted wakeups. The connection between these diseases with sleep deprivation is literally strong.
If you want to be known for a long time, don’t keep yourself awake for long and try to adapt healthy sleep practices. Sleeping naked is one of them.
It is Centenarian to think that sleeping naked is a shame. Relaxed sleep comes from a suitable atmosphere. Contemplating the benefits derived from sleeping naked, it is ok to be semi naked or wear lose fitted clothes to kick start the habit. Ultimately the body needs a balanced temperature to provoke sleep and adopting one such habit can be beneficial for maintaining a healthy sleep.
One complementary of sleeping naked is to use a contour pillow for neck. Sleepsia Contour Pillow helps you in deep sleep and reduces the strain on neck so that you avoid any kind of neck cramp after enjoying a great sleep. It act as a support wing to keep your head neck in right shape.